Tuesday, January 19, 2016

On the Eve of Surgery

Tonight did not go as I imagined it would.  It has been a really difficult evening and now I'm wiped out.  But I really wanted to get a post out there, especially for all of you who have been diligently praying for us.  

Satan really knows where to poke us ... I can't even begin to explain all of it but each child was on full force with his or her emotions and outbursts and issues this evening.  Perfect timing, of course!!  

I really didn't want to have to go to bed tonight feeling like this ... "deflated and defeated" ... not at all what I imagined this evening would be like.  Straying from the routine REALLY has its effect on our children and the rest of this week, I fear, is only going to compound their frustrations and their insecurities.  Please pray for them, especially Molly, Brynn and Jonah, as they have to be a little more responsible, a little more mature, a little more independent ... a little more flexible ... 

(this is how Jonah is handling that)

Rees is ready for tomorrow ... more than any of us, I think ... for as much as he understands, he is ready!  We had a talk with him this past weekend to prepare him as best we could.  We shared our scrapbooks of Molly, Brynn and even Jonah's previous surgeries and explained that "now it is Rees' turn".  He listened very intently and he repeated many of the things that we said.  The last couple days, he has randomly replayed the information to us several times.  It must to help solidify it for him and to reassure him as he repeats, "mama and baba hold Rees' hand".  

He had his "Pre-Op" today and it went fine, despite the unanticipated but required lab visit.  We will have to bring him to the hospital VERY EARLY in the morning and it will be a long day. 

(here he is getting ready for bed)

So many things to be praying for and I'm just too tired to type them out.  Please just know that GOD KNOWS and if you pray ... He'll hear you.  We thank you, in advance, for coming to Him on our behalf.  We'll keep you posted as best and as often as we can.


  1. Dear Lord,

    I lift up Rees today asking that you strengthen his body and prepare his body for the upcoming surgery.

    Lord, I ask that you prepare each doctor and each assistant so that each one is refreshed and at his or her best when the surgery starts. Enable them to disregard any personal distractions and fully focus on brave little Rees.

    I pray for each one to be clear thinking and fully able to receive wisdom from you as the surgery is in progress. May each decision be correct and each procedure be accurate.

    Lord, I am asking for your protection during the surgery. I pray for the outcome to be your very best.

    I also pray for protection and provision during the recovery period. I lift up prayer that his recovery is quick and his outcome is successful.

    You are our Creator, and you are our Sustainer.

    I give you respect and honor this day.

    In Jesus' name I pray,


    Samara Jacobi

  2. concerned... praying for you and all the family.
