Thursday, June 18, 2015

DTC!!! Doing the "happy dance"!!!

We are DTC - oh yeah - do a little 'happy dance' with us !!!

What is DTC?? (some of you are likely to be confused by this acronym). 
DTC means "Dossier To China" and that is a wonderful feeling, people!!!  Remember, our Dossier is a compilation of all of the official documents required by the Chinese officials in order to approve and process our adoption.

So, what are our next steps??

LID - "Log In Date" - This is when our Dossier if offically LOGGED at the offices of the CCCWA (Chinese Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption).

LOA - "Letter of Acceptance" - This is another important milestone because it means that China has officially approved the adoption.

I800 - This is the documentation from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services "approval" to bring a specific orphan (or orphans) into the USA.

TA or "Travel Approval" - This is the official invitation from China to go and get our boys!!!  From DTC to TA is averaging about four to six months, with all the above steps happening in between.  We are hoping and praying for a smooth process and speedy officials handling our paperwork. 

Won't you pray for that with us??  There are two special little boys who need to get home to their family!!

In the meantime, as we wait for all those steps to be completed, we have other things that will need to happen.  And we'll talk about those in a future post. Today, we are thankful and relieved that this huge piece of the process is COMPLETE!!!  Thank-you, LORD ... Xie Xie Ni; Women Ai Ni!! 谢谢 ; 我们爱你

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