Wednesday, August 26, 2015

... an overwhelming sense of gratitude ...

To the Chinese people, bamboo is the symbolization of virtue. It reflects a person’s soul and emotion.  I like that it is here in this picture next to the Chinese characters for "thank-you" because it is with my deepest gratitude that I write this post.  No matter which words I use, I don't know that they will be adequate enough to express the emotions that have penetrated and overwhelmed us.  

At the beginning of this adoption process, we knew that we were taking a huge leap of faith and that we needed to rely on God to pave the way for us to accomplish this task.  We likened it to the crossing of the Jordan River when the waters would not stop flowing until the priests actually stepped their feet into the river.  Once they showed that they trusted what they were being told to do, God did what He said He would and he stopped the flow of the river so that the people could cross on dry land.  When we started this process, we took the first steps entrusting that the LORD would provide for us in the same way.  We determined to act in faith!

But I gotta tell you ... honest confession,… my biggest flaw is my LACK OF FAITH!!
Worry and doubt are ALWAYS lurking ... 

Sooo, I made a plan … well, of course, I forged a plan!!  You can’t blame me, right?  The responsible thing to do would be to know the costs and make a plan to be able to pay for it, right?

So, I had made plans to work full-time this summer, which is many hours above my usual part-time status, so that I could make extra money and put it all towards the adoption expenses.  That coupled with the typically long hours and overtime that Brian has throughout the year put my mind at ease that we would be able to financially sustain ourselves for the bulk of our adoption fees and travel expenses.

Guess what??  Brian’s extra-long hours and overtime practically came to a stand-still several months ago and he has barely had enough work orders to maintain a standard 40/hour week!  And as for me and my working all these extra hours, … well, I worked ONE full-time week at the beginning of summer and have only worked a couple hours extra each week since then due to various things coming up and medical appointments and dental check-ups … and truth be told, some days, I’m just too tired and I don’t want to work extra hours.

So much for MY PLAN, right??

You can make many
 plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail. ~Proverbs 19:21

So, we had other ideas in the works too … little fillers to help us along the way.

.We sent out letters inviting people to help us with the adoption fees.
(after 3 years of fund-raising for Honduras mission trips, we expected people to just toss those letters right in the trash saying, “Enough is enough!”)

.We have baked scones, Welsh cakes and pies to raise money towards the adoption fees.
(how many scones and pies can a person eat, really?)

.We sold necklaces.
(we couldn’t possibly sell enough of these to make a difference)

.We had a rummage sale.
(it rained all three days and we doubted enough people would come out)

.We sold items online.
(other people’s online sales seemed to be doing so much better than ours)

.We have taken sponsors for our daughter’s very long hair to be cut.
(does anybody REALLY care whether or not Molly gets her hair cut and why she let it grow so long anyway?)

.We have done ‘odd jobs’ for money from various people.
(I make “X” as much at my job compared to what we’ll get to do this job – is it really worth it?)

(did you note all those pessimistic responses after each point?  yep, that's my worry and doubt kicking in)

BUT ... for each endeavor, we honestly said, “It’s just going to be what it’s going to be … do our part and God will provide.”  That is true!  We’ve gone into each thing truly putting forth our best effort and knowing that the results will be because God has provided.  We truly believe that …

… but here’s where it gets all “wooky” …

… I literally just made that word up …

… to describe the realization that ...



You see, sometimes, I have a GREAT FAITH in GOD but a very small faith in His people ...  

… even people with faith in God, saved by His Grace, and trying to walk in His Ways lose focus, miss the moment and fail to trust that God is in ALL the details. 
 (hmm, ... sounds just like me) 
And sometimes my perception is that is the case more often than not.

... and I knew that for all those little side-plans, "people" would either make or break them.

… but here’s what God has shown me …

.We sent out letters inviting people to help us with the adoption fees.
(20 people/families responded and donated, several with kinds words, cards and an interest to know more.  Of those, 10 went on to offer additional support)

.We have baked scones, Welsh cakes and pies to raise money towards the adoption fees.
(We have raised over $500 just for making baked goods that we enjoy making and it is so encouraging to see the excitement and interest in what we make.  Food is a “friend-maker!”)

.We sold necklaces.
(Many of the people who bought necklaces bought them as gifts … to brighten someone else’s day and to bring joy by giving a simple gift)

.We had a rummage sale.
(Quite a few people donated items to us so that we could have a great, big rummage sale.  We were really excited each time someone wanted to donate “stuff” to us!!  We made over $1,500 and made connections with people touched by the plight of two little boys.  We connected with some who were simply drawn to conversation … something so simple, yet providing a sense of engagement and acceptance.)

.We sold items online.
(Because of some of our sales, we connected with other adopting families in various states to share experiences, offer support and network through the process.)

.We have taken sponsors for our daughter’s very long hair to be cut.
(Molly has been affirmed in her efforts to help us with the adoption, to know that she has a part in bringing her younger brothers home and it has been a joy to see her excitement when others have donated on behalf of her.)

.We have done ‘odd jobs’ for money from various people.
(This has been the most rewarding endeavor, by far … though, completely unexpected!  I can’t even explain to you the magnitude of this piece because each instance has been personal and unique … but God has truly exceeded our puny expectations in this area!!  Starting out just trying to make a little extra money by simply helping somebody out has been extremely REWARDING in so many ways!!!  It has been greatly satisfying to HELP someone where it is needed and to get to know the person(s) at the same time.  Helping someone with a physical need is a lovely kindness … visiting them and getting to know them is a GIFT that is often needed much more than the physical service provided!  God showed me that … and that has become so much more important to me than receiving payment for services rendered.

We've done a lot of things in an effort to do our part in raising money for our adoption ... I call it "Faith-Action"but in the end, I know that we haven't done anything and GOD IS DOING EVERYTHING!!


And I can see that RELATIONSHIPS matter to GOD!!
Between Us and HIM.
Between Us and People.

Because of this adoption process, a relationship with Relatives has just been rekindled after more than 20 YEARS!!

Because of this adoption, a relationship with Neighbors whom we’ve lived near over 5 years has JUST BEGUN!!

Because of this adoption, close friends are even closer … strong family ties are even stronger …

The majority of what God is doing in and through our adoption process is based in the interactions and relationships that we have created and are creating with other people.  What a tremendous and unexpected blessing!!!  Sometimes the “faith-action” is grand and obvious ... sometimes it's subtle … sometimes it’s even invisible … but sometimes, the “faith-action” of the people around us is a BOLD and BRAVE and BEAUTIFUL response to what they SEE IN US. 

And that’s the part that catches us the MOST!!! 

To think that someone may be looking, paying attention, and seeing the Glory of the LORD Jesus through my shaky tightrope attempt at “faith-walking” … in just that moment, the Spirit of the LORD strengthens and encourages and redeems me!!!

So while SO MANY PEOPLE step into our circle … writing checks, donating items, planning fundraisers, sending money, making things, praying … because our “Faith-Action” is inspiring to THEM … 


... as we observe the forest of bamboo all around us!!

And it is that inspiration that propels us to keep moving forward, confident that God is at work through His people, their "faith-action" surrounding us in love and peace and hope  for the rest of our adoption process and what lies ahead for us once our boys are home.

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